Autumn in southern Sweden – Fine days in September and October

Autumn in Sweden

In the months of September and October there can still be warm and pleasant days in the south of Sweden. However, the nights are already chilly and they also tend to be damp. The first frost may arrive, especially in the inland areas and in clear weather.

As in other countries it is impossible to predict whether it will be a Golden October or a rainy autumn. Best chances for mild temperatures are in the utmost south, for example in Småland, Skåne, Blekinge, and Halland.

All of our pictures on this page are from the region of Västergötland.

Don’t forget your rubber boots

In autumn many tourists come to southern Sweden for fishing and hunting. Holiday homes are particularly inexpensive because the peak season is over. At the lakes and in the forests it is even quieter than usual.

Autumn is therefore also ideal for hiking. However, the paths and trails are often not so easy to walk as in May or June because they tend to be wet or even muddy. Decent rubber boots that you can go hiking with are recommended.

Near the cities you will also find recreational areas with particularly well-kept, level and dry trails. Sometimes they are even illuminated.

Trumpet chanterelles

Until the first nightfrosts you will also find plenty of mushrooms in the woods. After that there are often only trumpet chanterelles left in significant numbers – these are the slim, dark autumn chanterelles with stems that look like chicken legs. In Swedish they are called “trattkantareller” or just “trattisar”. They are very tasty.

Early Christmas shopping

Finally, here comes a tip for bad weather: Autumn in Sweden is also an ideal time for early Christmas shopping. Anyone travelling in Småland or Halland for example can visit the Gekås superstore in Ullared (near Falkenberg) and fill the trunk with inexpensive gifts. The first Christmas markets in Skåne start as early as October.

Weather forecasts

Here you can see what the weather is like in Sweden today: Current weather in Sweden.

Autumn in Sweden

Autumn in Sweden

Autumn in Sweden

Autumn in Sweden

Autumn in southern Sweden - Fine days in September and October

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