Here you can find information on the current weather in Sweden, from Malmö in the south to Kiruna in the north. Differences can be huge – the country is 1,600 km long. During winter you can have +5° C in the south and -30° C in the north. Differences of thirty or fourty degrees are not uncommon.
Malmö (south Sweden, west coast)
Gothenburg (south Sweden, west coast)
Stockholm (south Sweden, east coast)
Sundsvall (central Sweden, east coast)
Östersund (central Sweden, inland)
Luleå (north Sweden, east coast)
Kiruna (north Sweden, inland)
Read more: Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö
We give you helpful and compact information about Sweden’s three major destinations – with must-sees, favourite spots, sightseeing tours and accommodation options:
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