Swedish Krona rates and converter

The currency of Sweden is the Swedish Krona. It is usually abbreviated “SEK”, but sometimes even “skr” or just “kr”. The krona is equal to 100 öre. However, all öre coins have been taken off the market. There are only 1, 5 and 10 krona coins left. As bank notes only 20, 50, 100, and 500 SEK notes are commonly used. The 1000 SEK note is rarely seen in shops and stores.

In October 2015, a 200 SEK note was issued to complement the existing notes. In October 2016, we also got a new 2 krona coin.

Sweden is trying to eliminate cash as much as possible – for security and tax reasons. It is advisable to always carry two widely-used credit or debit cards such as Visa or Mastercard (or a card with the Maestro logo on it). In Sweden, we even pay small amounts by card.

Currency Converter EUR/SEK

Currency Converter SEK/EUR

Currency Converter USD/SEK

Currency Converter SEK/USD

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