HomeTravel info10 shocking things: Mark's Sweden travel advice

10 shocking things: Mark’s Sweden travel advice

10 things that will shock you about Sweden

I stumbled upon this entertaining and informative video on Youtube today. Mark from Woltersworld.com has “10 things that will shock you about Sweden”.

Well, we’ve lived here in Sweden for almost 20 years now and we are amazed at Mark’s keen eye for the cultural differences that a traveller will encounter in Sweden. We agree with each and every point in Mark’s video – perhaps with the exception of number 7 below.

Incidentally, the video was shot in our home town Gothenburg, right in front of the Fish Church (Feskekörka), one of Gothenburg’s market halls.

Here are Mark’s ten observations about Sweden

  1. (at 0:16 in the video) You have to go to a special store (Systembolaget) to buy alcohol.
  2. (0:50) Though they are generally quiet and reserved, the Swedes can go crazy with the singing, especially during Midsummer.
  3. (1:30) Oh my god – it’s so breathtakingly beautiful here in terms of the nature.
  4. (2:20) There is so much daylight during the summer and so much darkness during the winter.
  5. (3:24) On public transportation it is very quiet. People don’t usually talk.
  6. (4:00) Men and women in Sweden are gorgeous. They are good looking and have a very good fashion sense.
  7. (4:50) The Swedes are not prude. You might see nakedness. (Very little though in comparison with the 1970s and 1980s. /Walther)
  8. (5:20) It is generally very safe in Sweden.
  9. (6:00) The service here isn’t usually very good. However, if you speak a few Swedish words (hej and tack, for example) they will open up and can be very helpful. And you can shop on Sundays!
  10. (7:20) You will have to wait in lines in Sweden, and often you will need a ticket for that.

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